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Title: Using various interactive methods to develop professional skills of students in teaching law
Authors: Khujaakhmatova Qunduz, Normamatova Valentina Ivanovna,
Keywords: Using various interactive methods, develop professional skills, students in teaching law
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Тошкент
Abstract: Since there have been a lot of developments, reformations and new inventions in all disciplines, requirement for learning foreign language is coming up with catching more and more attention of modern community. This factor is putting high responsibility and creativity for current and future teachers of our society. The major problem is how to conduct the lessons and gain effectiveness of learning process in teaching foreign language for the learners who have different learning proposes in their proficiency. Henceforth, it is extremely significant to select proper methods and techniques to accomplish expected efficient outcomes.
Appears in Collections:Thesis, Articles

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