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Title: Folic Acid Deficiency in Women of Fertile Age in Studies Conducted at the Primary Health Care Level
Authors: Zaynutdinova, Dilafruz
Keywords: Folic acid, Risk factors, Women of fertile age, Adolescent girls
Issue Date: 11-Jan-2021
Publisher: American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
Series/Report no.: 10.5923/j.ajmms.;
Abstract: To study some risk factors for folic acid deficiency in adolescent girls and women of childbearing age. 150 adolescent girls of 12-18 years old and 96 women of childbearing age who were on a regular basis with various gastrointestinal pathologies. In patients with chronic gastrointestinal diseases and chronic hepatitis, FC indicators are significantly reduced, compared with healthy ones 9.15±0.16 ng/ ml and 13.23±0.32 ng/ml, respectively (p< 0.01). Folic acid indices in those examined with helminthiases (enterobiosis, giardiasis, hymenolepidosis, ascariasis) and without helminthiases do not significantly differ 11.95±0.26 ng/ml and 12.13±0.23 ng/ml, respectively (p> 0.05). A significant difference in the indicators of folic acid was found in patients daily consuming greens, legumes, fortified flour, compared with those who rarely consume them 12.73±0.18 ng/ml and 8.11±0.20 ng/ml, respectively (p< 0.01).
ISSN: 2165-901X
Appears in Collections:Article, Thesis

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