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Title: Proper nutrition of athletes, martial arts
Authors: Jalolov, N.N. Rakhimov B.B., Imamova A.O., Sultonov E.Yo., Oblokulov.A.G
Keywords: nutrition, athletes, health, food, martial arts, physical activity, training process
Issue Date: Feb-2023
Publisher: Web of scientist: international scientific research journal ISSN: 2776-0979, Volume 4, Issue 2, Feb., 2023, Pgs736-743
Abstract: The role of nutrition for athletes is considered. Attention is focused on the importance of proper nutrition. The nutrition of single combat athletes is considered. The nutritional requirements that an athlete must fulfill in order to achieve high performance in sports. Not every diet can be considered normal for maintaining the body. It is important to observe the daily calorie intake depending on the type of activity, physical activity, lifestyle and body characteristics.
ISSN: 2776-0979
Appears in Collections:Thesis, Articles

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