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dc.contributor.authorBuranova S.N., Ahmedov H.S., Rahimov S.S.-
dc.description.abstract60 patients with radiologically determined 0-II stages of knee joint osteoarthritis aged 50.3±4.4 years old with average duration 5.4±3.6 years were involved in the study. At the same time 10 healthy individuals (average age 47.5±7.1years old) of the age and gender compatible with the patients of OA group were also enrolled in the studyen_US
dc.subjectwas assessment of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) definition method in diagnosis of cartilage early destruction in patients with OA.en_US
dc.titleStudy of the role of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) in the early diagnosis of osteoarthritisen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis, Articles

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