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Title: Restoring Players' Performance at the End of Their Rehabilitation
Authors: Акрамов, Искандар Рахмонкул угли
Хужаназаров, Ильхом Эшкулович
Косимов, Аъзам Азимович
Бобоев, Бекзод Ахмадбек угли
Сайдуллаев, Сардор Хайруллаевич
Keywords: athletes' recovery, stages of physical rehabilitation, knee joint, trauma, anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), speed and strength qualities, physical loads, motor tests.
Research Subject Categories::MEDICINE::Surgery
Issue Date: 7-Apr-2023
Publisher: Universal Publishing INC
Citation: Akramov IR et all. Restoring Players' Performance at the End of Their Rehabilitation////Scholastic: Journal of Natural and Medical Education. -Vol.2. -Issue 4. -2023. -С.35-39
Abstract: The paper outlines the methodological peculiarities of training and rehabilitation exercises in injured football players after arthroscopic intervention on the knee joint.
ISSN: 2835-303X
Appears in Collections:Thesis, Articles

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