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- Diagnostic significance of molecular-genetic markers in the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease 1
- diastasis of rectal muscle of abdomen, laparoscopic liquidation, endo-needle 1
- didactic method, education, foreign language 1
- didaktik, nazariy-pedogogik yondashuvlar, oliy ta'lim, o'zbek tili o'qitish metodikasi,zamonaviy o'qitish texnologiyalari 1
- DIET 1
- diet therapy, food allergy, childhood allergy, bronchial asthma, especially in children 1
- Dietologiya, nutrisiologiya, ovqatlanish 1
- differensial tenglama, “yirtqich-o‘lja” modeli, logarifmning hossasi, integral, sistemaning traek-toriyalari, hosila, farmakopeya. 1
- Different leves, metabolism, indicators, 1
- Differential diagnostics, sampling and diagnostic analysis, COVID-2019 1
- differential equation, predator-prey model, logarithm property, integral, system trajectories, derivative, pharmacopoeia. 1
- diffuse toxic goiter, anemia, thyroid gland, autoimmune, thyrotoxicosis, non-thyroid disease, exophthalmos 1
- diffuse toxic goiter, anemia, thyroid gland, autoimmune, thyrotoxicosis, nonthyroidal illness, exophthalmos 1
- diffuse-toxic goiter, anemia, hemoglobin, color index, erythrocytes. 1
- diffuz toksik buqoq, anemiya, qalqonsimon bez, autoimmun, tireotoksikoz, notireoid kasallik, ekzoftalm 1
- Diffuz toksik buqoq,tireotrop gormon,autoimmun kasallik,tirotoksikoz,limfotsitlar, makrofaglar, plazmatik hujayralari 2
- digital competence, information technology, instrumental, information and communication, video lectures, electronic textbooks, self-paced learning, control tasks, test questions. 1
- digital economy, modern technologies, communication networks, government agencies, business, computing technologies 1
- digital medical card, digital health card, electronic health card healthcare digitalization. 2
- digital medicine skills, learning process, medical university students, telemedicine, educational motivation, Electronic Polyclinic, 1