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- distance learning, educational process, webinars - in the educational process. 1
- Distinctive course characteristics of depression and anxiety disorders in Parkinson's disease 1
- Distiribution, Congenital Anomals, Children 2
- Distreptaza®, adhesions, endosurgical operations, pathology of uterine appendages 1
- distribution 1
- Diuretik dori vositalar, klinik farmakologiyasi, siydik xosil bo‘lishi, ajratilishi fiziologiyasi 1
- Diyetologiya 1
- DM - Diabetes mellitus, Diabetic retinopathy, Dyslipidemia, Fenofibrate (Tricor). 1
- DNA microarray, DNA and RNA sampling, molecular diagnostic analysis, genetic code, pharmacogenomics, protein expression patterns. 1
- Doctor and patient, reproductive age, risk, women’s health, Covid 19. 1
- Donor, recipient, blood transfusion infections, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, human immunodeficiency virus. 1
- down syndrom,newborn, clinical symptoms 1
- drinking water 1
- Drug-induced hepatitis, Hepatoprotective activity, Bile formation, Lipid peroxidation, Antioxidants 1
- dry extract of creeping anchors, tribestan, liver, acute toxic hepatitis. 2
- DTB qalqonsimon bez,bez parenxima,immunotsitlar, limfotsitlar, makrofaglar, plazmatik hujayralari 1
- dunyoqarash, inson, ong, adolat, estetik, axloqiy, ratsional, hissiy, go„zallik, esxatologik afsonalar 1
- dust 1
- Dust storm and atmosphere air pollution in Uzbekistan 1