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Showing results 1093 to 1112 of 7641
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- educational standards, cognitive activity, methodology, proactively, effectively, independently, discussing 1
- Educational-methodical complex on the module ambulatory-polyclinic therapy 1
- EEG, nerv, nevrologiya, miya, mushak, spazm, amplitude, ritm, volt, simmetriya, chastota 1
- Effect of pressure on oxygen concentration in silicon single crystals 1
- Effect of rebagit on gastric mucosa, patients with nsaid gastropathy 1
- Effect of the CD147 marker (basigin, EMMPRIN, transmembrane serine protease) on the development of endothelial damage in COVID-19 1
- Effective control, dispensary supervision of hypertonic 1
- Effectiveness of complex treatment of rhinosinusitis in patients with chronic myeloleucosis 1
- effectiveness of treatment; long-term therapies; cardiovascular diseases; ischemic heart disease; depression. 1
- EKD, bichilish, soxta frunkulyoz, qazgoq, issiqlik 1
- Ekologiya, ichimlik suvi, atrof muhit 1
- Eksperimental toksik gepatit, endogen intoksikatsiya omillari 1
- Ekstrakorporal urug‘lantirish, (EKU) 1
- Ekstrakorporal urug‘lantirishi, (EKU) mavjud homilador ayollar 1
- Ekustim, gistamin, aseptik yallig'lanish 1
- Elastografiya, ultratovush, invaziv, Yung moduli, elastik, sonografik, kvazistatik, miqdoriy, biomexanik, biopotensial. 1
- electroneuromyography 1
- electronic education, online education, distance educational technologies, continuous education, computer practical. 1
- electronic, medicine, devices, equipment, repair, healthcare, act, statements, contract. 1
- elektrokardiogramma, masofaviy monitoring, yurak-qon tomir tizimining fiziologik parametrlari 1