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Showing results 117 to 136 of 7641
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- afferent nerve fiber, Axon, AXO-somatic Synapse, glutamate mediator, AMPA(alpha amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolpropionic acid) ionotropic receptor, NMDA (N-methyl aspartatic acid ) ionotropic receptor, calmodulin protein, CaM-(calmodulin) kinase, phosphorylation, adenylate-cyclase, s-AMF(cyclic-adenosine-mono-phosphate acid), map(mitogen-activated protein) - kinase, glial neuron, myelin, “memory cells” 1
- Aforizm, qiyosiy-chog`ishtirma usullar, poetika 1
- Agglutinins, agglutinogens, phytagglutinins, lectins, monoclonal antibodies, blood type, absorption of agglutinins. 1
- Aholi salomatligi, Isroil, Milliy ijtimoiy va iqtisodiy omil, siyosiy notinchlik, tibbiy sug‘urta tizimi. 2
- Aholi, xosil bo‘luvchi oqava suvlar, gelment tuxumlari, ifloslanish ko‘rsatkichi 1
- AIDS, neurogical sydrome, diagnostic, treatment 1
- air quality, air pollution, concentration of harmful substances in the air. 1
- Akademik qarz, GPA-o'rtacha ball, Boloniya deklaratsiyasi 1
- akne, og‘ir kechishi, sitokinlar. 1
- aksiyologiya, tilshunoslik, baholash kategoriyasi, bilish, anglash, lingvistik kategoriya,aniqlik, yashirinlik. 1
- Akusherlik 1
- Akusherlik patologik kasalliklar 1
- Alcohol dependence, alcoholism, risk factors, prevalence 1
- alcoholism; alcohol withdrawal syndrome 1
- Aldosterone, mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists, veroshpiron, eplerenone 1
- alimentary diseases, children of school age 1
- allele of genes, frequencies of distribution of alleles, genotypes of polymorphisms of gene TNF-α (G308A), polymorphism of genotypes, rhinosinusitis 1
- allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, children, quality of life, comorbid 1
- allergic rhinitis, сhildrеn, Ig Е, gastrointestinal dysfunction, probiotioc, therapy 1
- Allergik reaktsiya, qon, eozinofil, IgE oshqdi. 1