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Showing results 133 to 152 of 7641
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- allele of genes, frequencies of distribution of alleles, genotypes of polymorphisms of gene TNF-α (G308A), polymorphism of genotypes, rhinosinusitis 1
- allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, children, quality of life, comorbid 1
- allergic rhinitis, сhildrеn, Ig Е, gastrointestinal dysfunction, probiotioc, therapy 1
- Allergik reaktsiya, qon, eozinofil, IgE oshqdi. 1
- Allergiyaga qarshi vositalar, gistaminga qarshi vositalar, Immun rag'batlantiruvchi vositalar 1
- Alloksan diabet, tana muhiti-diabetes mellitus, gemoglobin, holesterin, 1
- alloksan, diabetik kalamushlar, diabet, endoteliy 1
- Alloksian, diabet, "tana muhiti" diabetes mellitus, gemoglobin, xolesterin 1
- alloxan 5
- alloxan, rat, ecdysterone, diabetes mellitus, enzymes, liver. 1
- Aloqadorlik, boshqa tildan olingan so’zlar, o’zaro ta’sir, ikki taraflamalik, ko’rinish, o’xshashlik, g’aroyiblik. 1
- Alport syndrome, characteristics, factors, children. 1
- ALT, OIV, gepatit V va S, zaxm, brutsellez 1
- Altsgeymer kasalligi, Altsgeymer turidagi demans, surunkali miya ishemiyasi, qon-tomir demans, MMSE testi 1
- Alzheimer's disease; Alzheimer's type dementia; CHEM, vascular dementia, MMSE test 1
- Alzheimer, new approaches to the diagnosis 1
- Alzheimer’s disease, scale of Khachinsky, beta-amyloid protein, apolipoprotein E4, dehydroepianderosteron sulfate. 1
- Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, cognition, DHEA, Khachinsky scale 1
- Ambient air pollution 1
- Ambulator-poliklinik terapiya fani bo'yicha o'quv-uslubiy majmuasi 1