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- Glomerulonefrit, autoimmun jarayon, palazmaferez 2
- glomerulonephritis, diet, nephrotic syndrome and IgA nephropathy. 1
- glutamate mediator 1
- gout, gouty nephropathy, gene, GWAS 1
- Gout, hyperuricemia, uric acid, inflammation, pathogenesis, diagnostics. 1
- gout, hyperuricemia, uric acid, inflammation, pathogenesis, diagnostics. 2
- gout, kidney disease, febuxostat,allopurinol 1
- gout, old age, arterial hypertension, acute myocardial infarction, chronic renal failure. 1
- Gout; hyperuricemia; dyslipidaemia; interleukins; cytokine profile. 1
- gout; women; arthritis; tophi. 1
- goʼdaklarning tabiiy va sun’iy oziqlanishi, normal ichak mikroflorasi, disbakterioz,probiotik. 1
- Grammatical problems, compleate correspondence, partial correspondence, the absance of correspondence, cognate language, gender system 1
- Grammatik xarita, metodlar, taqiq so‘zlar, innovatsiya, grammatik tanqid, ta’lim tizimi, OTM, ta’lim texnologiyalari ta’lim-tarbiya. 1
- granulomatosis with polyangiitis, clinical features, diagnosis, treatment 1
- graphical problems, experimental problems, arithmetic method, algebraic method, graphical method, geometric method. 1
- Gut microbiota, acetic acid, propionic acid, butyric acid. 1
- gut microbiota, cognitive impairment, neuroinflammation, short chain fatty acids. 1
- g‘isht ishlab chiqarish, shovqin, tebranish, chastota, mehnat sharoiti. 1
- g‘oyaviy-siyosiy, axloqiy, mehnat, estetik, jismoniy, ekologik, iqtisodiy, huquqiy tarbiya, ong, xulq-atvor, faoliyat birligi, tarbiya jarayoni. 1
- H. pylori, заболеваниями желудка. 1