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- hemostasis system, chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, viral etiology, diagnostics, treatment 1
- hemostasis system, coronavirus infection, clinical laboratory diagnostics, hematology, correction methods, treatment 1
- hemostasis, acute ulcers, arterial bleeding, vomiting, pain. 1
- hemostasis, coagulopathy, hypocoagulation, liver cirrhosis, hemorrhage syndrome 1
- hemostasis, coagulopathy,hypocoagulation, liver cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis, hemorrhage syndrome 1
- hemostasis, COVID-19, cardiovascular disease, pneumonia. 1
- Hemostasis, Women, MenstruaL-Ovarian Cycle Disorders, COVID-19 1
- Hemostatic disorders,rheumatoid arthritis, Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney,Spearman's rank 1
- hepatic ducts, liver, postnatal ontogenesis 1
- hepatic encephalopathy, viral etiology liver cirrhosis 1
- hepatite, izoniazid, sytolitic syndirome 1
- Hepatitis A, epidemiology, risk groups, vaccination, preventive measures. 1
- Hepatitis B (GBV), Hepatitis D (GDV), pathogen, interferon-alpha 1
- Hepatitis B, hepatitis C, oxygen 1
- Hepatitis C; Gene; TNF-α; Treatment; Polymorphism 1
- Hepatitis, Milk, Lactation, Proteins, Carbohydrates, and Offspring, and Lean Intestine, Enzymes: Maltase, y-amylase, Sucrose, and Lactase 1
- Hepatitis, Milk, Lactation, Proteins, Carbohydrates, and Offspring, and Lean Intestine, Enzymes: Maltase, γ-amylase, Sucrose, and Lactase. 1
- Hepatotoxicity, concomitant use of other drugs, liver disease, genetic,environmental 1
- Hepatotropic viruses, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, platelets, adhesions, aggregation 1
- hepatotropic activity, choleretic, the “open square" model, Karsil, flavonoids, heliotrin 1