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- hypergomocysteinemia, chronic ischemic stroke 1
- Hyperhomocysteninemia , Parkinson's disease 1
- hypertension, interactions of the endothelial system, thrombus formation system, choice of antihypertensive drugs 1
- hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis, comorbidity. 1
- Hyperuricaemia, gout, ABCG2 C421A RS2231142, APEX1 T444G, gene polymorphism. 1
- hyperuricaemia, gout, ABCG2 C421A RS2231142, APEX1 T444G, gene polymorphism. 1
- hyperuricaemia, gout, ABCG2, SLC2A9, gene polymorphism 1
- hypofibrinogenemia, prothrombin, hematoma, hemarthrosis. 1
- hypolipidemic drugs, lipid metabolism, coronary heart disease, obesity 1
- hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal disorders,cognitive 1
- Hypothyroidism in Pregnancy, Offspring, Postnatal Ontogenesis, Testes, Generative Function 1
- Hypothyroidism in Pregnancy, Offspring, Postnatal Ontogenesis, Testes, Generative Function. 1
- hypothyroidism, dentition, morphometric, children, Bunak. 1
- hypothyroidism, enamel, cement, control, experiment. 1
- hypothyroidism, experimental hypothyroidism, thyroid pathology, thyroid gland, fetal fetometry, prenatal ontogenesis, hypothyroid pregnant women, fetal anthropometry 1
- Hypothyroidism, experimental hypothyroidism, thyroid pathology, thyroid gland, fetal fetometry, prenatal ontogenesis, hypothyroid pregnant women, fetal anthropometry. 1
- hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, thyroid dysfunction, thyroid cancer. 1
- hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, thyroid dysfunction, thyroid cancer 1
- Hypothyroidism, L-thyroxine, Neuroprotectors, Hippocampus 1
- hypothyroidism, mercazolil, pancreas, pancreatic lobes. 1