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- inguinal hernia, TAPP hernioplasty, seroma 1
- innovation, professional skills, professional purposes, non-linguistic, specific needs, academic purposes, specific disciplines, communicative competence. 1
- innovative technologies, multimedia, Internet links, electronic resources, learning environment, motivation. 4
- innovative technologies, strategies, learner 1
- innovative, teaching foreign language, innovative techlologies, interactive board, tablet, I pad, computer, educational apps 1
- innovatsiya, kreativlik, kreativ shaxs, kreativ o’qituvchi, kreativ ta’lim muhiti, biofizika. 1
- inson salomatligi,targ‘ibot,sanitariya-epidemiologik osoyishtalik, sog‘lom turmush tarzi, gigienik madaniyat, asos, tarix, huquq, munosabat, innovatsiya 1
- Insulin preparatalai, antiandrogenlar, bachadon faoliyatiga ta'sir etuvchi vositalar 1
- insulin, diabet, gipoglikemiya 1
- integrated, non-philological, communicative competence, language literacy, linguodidactic, linguistics, national-spiritual, diplomatic, international, effective integration 1
- Integration,media education, technology, curriculum, television, radio, film, video, telephone, black-and-white textbook 1
- integrative approach, medical students, professional competence, writing, reading, listening, speaking. 1
- Integrative teaching, improvement of student‘s speech competence in medical experience, higher medical education 1
- Integratsion o‘qitish, Tibbiyotda tajribada talabalarining nutqiy kompetentsiyasini takomillashtirish, tibbiy OTM, 1
- Intensiv terapiya xususiyatlari, oksigenoterapiy, travmatik sho'k 1
- Interactive form of learning in the development of medical education: the importance of computer simulation 1
- Interactive methods, communicative approach, ESP, professional skills, Law, court procedure, innovative techniques. 1
- interactive methods, techniques, strategies, approaches, innovation, medicine, medical terms, role of teacher, learner-centred lesson 1
- Interactive teaching methods, methods "Blitz method", "Case study", the subject of chinical pharmacology 1
- interactive teaching methods, surgical disciplines, new approaches in education 1