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Showing results 1905 to 1924 of 7641
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- Lab-оn-а-chip(LОC),микро таҳлил тизими (мТАС),лаборатор диагностика 1
- Laboratoriya ishi, hujayralar rivojlanishi, ularning faoliyati, morfologik tuzilishi va xususiyatlari 1
- Laboratoriya tadqiqotlarining zamonaviy imkoniyatlari 1
- Laboratory automation, genomics, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, microfluria 1
- Laboratory methods, blood testing 1
- Laboratory work 2
- Language certificate, extra payment, target audience, creative solutions, strengths, and limitations. 1
- Language Teaching, Theory of Learning, Learning and Teaching Activities, Communicative Language Teaching 2
- Language Units, Addressee, Pragmatic Feature, Communicative Pragmatics, Discourse Pragmatics, Dialogical Discourse, Literary Language Units. 1
- language ideology, prejudice, linguistic environment, formulation, dominant social groups. 1
- Language, Englis 1
- language, healthcare, patient, communication, clinics 1
- Laparoscopic cholecystectomy, conversion, intraoperative risk factors 1
- laparoscopic fundoplication, computer program, hiatal hernia. 2
- large and giant aneurysms, treatment. 1
- Laryngitis 1
- Laryngotracheitis 1
- Laser, Strong Beam, Less Pain, Edema, Cornea, Minimal damage, Secure, Efficient. 1
- late reproductive age, ovarian reserve, ovulation stimulation, clomiphene citrate 1
- Late reproductive age, Ovarian reserve, Ovarian echodopplerometry 1