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Showing results 1963 to 1982 of 7641
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- lisoniy, obiyekt, inson idroki 1
- listening comprehension, method, repetition, communication, challenges, goal, quick learning 1
- literacy,literary , cultural and social skills, poem , global audience 1
- Liver abscess, errors, prolonged intra-arterial catheter therapy 1
- liver cirrhosis, bone marrow 1
- liver cirrhosis, portal hypertension, endoscopic ligation, endovascular, esophagus and gastric variceal bleeding 1
- liver disease probiotics liver cirrhosis treatment 1
- liver disease, probiotics, liver cirrhosis, treatment 1
- Liver echinococcosis, pregnancy, diagnosis, treatment. 1
- liver, mitoK+ ATF-chanal, dysfunction, rutan, getasan, euforbin, correction, mitochondria. 1
- Long covid, SARS-CoV-2, Cognitive disorders, Vascular complications, Gastrointestinal tract, Respiratory disorders 1
- lor simptomlar profilaktika 1
- Loti tili 1
- lotin alifbosi, fonetikasi va grammatikasi, zamonaviy tibbiyot nomenklaturasi, Hind-Yevropa tillari, so’z yasash masalalari, Roman-German tillar, klassika, uyg’onish davri 1
- lotin tili so‘z yasash vositalari, toza qo‘shish, suffiksatsiya bilan birga qo‘shish, “Gippokratlar to‘plami” 1
- lotin tili, o‘qitish metodikasi, tibbiy terminlar, topshiriq va mashqlar, kommunikativ kompetensiya, malaka va ko‘nikma. 1
- lotin tili, tibbiyot fakulteti talabalari, tibbiyot fakulteti, tibbiyot terminologiyasi, termin, tizimlashtirish yondashuvi, leksik minimum, lotin grammatikasi. 1
- low-density lipoprotein receptor, PCSK9, lipoprotein (a), Lp-PLA2, giperlipidemiya 1
- Lowe's syndrome, case, child 1
- lower limb arterial thrombosis, acute ischemia, thrombectomy, catheter thrombolysis, coronavirus infection. 1