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Showing results 1980 to 1999 of 7641
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- low-density lipoprotein receptor, PCSK9, lipoprotein (a), Lp-PLA2, giperlipidemiya 1
- Lowe's syndrome, case, child 1
- lower limb arterial thrombosis, acute ischemia, thrombectomy, catheter thrombolysis, coronavirus infection. 1
- lymph nodes, chronic intoxication, fipronil 1
- lymphatic diathesis, nephrotic syndrome, interleukin-2, immunitу 2
- Magisterial bile duct, biliodigestive anastomosis, X-ray endobiliary interference, transhepatic carcass drainage, hepaticocholedocha,hepatocoduodenoanastomosis, hepatocojejunoanastomosis, percutaneus transhepatic biliary drainage, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. 1
- magnetic resonance imaging, TNM,classification of ovarian cancer, staging, ovary. 1
- magnit – rezonans tomografiya, tuxumdon raki, o`sma kasalliklari retsidivlanishi, DW- tasvir 1
- magnit-rezonans tomografiya, tuxumdon saratoni, bosqichlar, DWI. magnetic resonance imaging, ovarian cancer, staging, DWI. 1
- Mahalliy qon aylanish, tizimi, patofiziologiyasi 1
- mahorat darsi, kasbiy tayyorgarlik, pedagogik texnologiya. 1
- Maktabgacha yoshdagi bolalar, sog‘lom turmush tarzi, dasturiy platforma 1
- Maktabgacha yoshdagi bolalarda sog‘lom turmush tarzini shakllantirishning dasturiy platformasi. 1
- male interfility, reproductive health, risk factors, lifestyle 1
- malformations, myelodysplasia, clinical and neurological picture. 1
- malformatsiya,genetika,bosh miya qon tomirlari 1
- malformatsiyalar, miyelodisplaziya, klinik va nevrologik rasm. 1
- malignant neoplasms of the brain, surgical treatment, radiation therapy. 1
- malignant schwannoma, retroperitoneal tumor, differential diagnosis of ovarian tumor, IHC. 1