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- method of teaching history, knowledge, methodology, objectives, relation, developing. 1
- Method of immunogistochemical research of microbial eczema diseases 1
- method of teaching history, knowledge, methodology, objectives, relation, developing. 2
- Methodology 1
- methodology, innovation, interactive, foreign language, communication, skills, competencies, didactics, scientific and technical development, professional growth 1
- methodology, innovation, communication skills, skills, competences, didactics, intercultural communication, professional growth, speech skills, speech activity 1
- methodology, new vocabulary, innovation, context, private clinic, interactive, foreign language, communication, skills, competences, didactics, basic rule, development, professional growth 1
- metodika, pedagogika, chet tili, og‘zaki nutq, yozma nutq, tinglash, grammatika, leksik birliklar, tinglash, o‘qish texnikasi. 1
- metodlar, innovatsiya, ta’lim tizimi, jarayon, OTM, ta’lim texnologiyalarita’lim tarbiya. 1
- metodologiya, o’quv materiallari, turli texnologiyala r, til dunyosi 1
- Metrologik ta’minlash,dopler effekti ,fotobiologik jarayonlar 1
- mezon, mahalla, oila, barqaror ijtimoiy muhit, bilim, malaka, ko`nikma, ma’naviyaxloqiy muhit, ijtimoiy muhit, faoliyat, rivojlanish darajasi 1
- Micro-RNA, chronic hepatitis, liver fibrosis. 1
- Mieloid leykemoid reaksiya 1
- Mielom kasalligi, klinik laborator diagnostika 1
- Migrain,cerebral ischemia 1
- Migraine, eye form of migraine, Migraine with Aura, Headache 1
- Migren kasalligida uyqu buzilish strukturasi va sifatini aniqlash 1
- migren,abuzis bosh og'rigi 3