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- nevroz, nevrotik holatlar, inqiroz davri,kasallik, ruhiy zoʻriqish, emotsional roʻriqish, psixika 1
- nevroz, nevrotik holatlar, inqiroz davri,kasallik, ruhiy zoʻriqish, emotsional roʻriqish, psixika. 1
- nevroz, oila, his-tuyg'ulari, stress, tashvish, bezovtalik, dipressiya, hissiy beqarorlik, g‘azablanish, tushkunlik, ruhiy salomatlik. 1
- new coronavirus infection, mental disorders, mechanisms of development of mental disorders in new coronavirus infection. 2
- New textbooks, teaching aids, experts, TIMSS, PIRLS, psycho-physiological characteristics of students, National Curriculum, 6 components, UNICEF, UCAID 1
- newborn, late reproductive age, perinatal outcomes 1
- Newborn, mother, ecology, medical history, kidney pathology. 1
- Neyron tarmoq texnologiyasidan foydalangan holda shifokor tanlash uchun mobil ilova ishlab chiqish 1
- Neytrallash usulining asoslari, biologik sistemalar termodinamikasi, fermentlarning nomenklaturasi 1
- nformation technologies in medicine, medicine, methodology, integration, contextual learning. 2
- Nisbiy unib chiqish foizi, nisbiy ildiz uzunligi, tuz stressi 1
- nitric oxide 1
- nitrogen, nitrozoamines, sulfhydril groups, Student criterion, Biofertilizer, Lactic acid. 1
- noalkogolli yog‘ li jigar kasalligi, jigar funksiyasi, diagnostika, davolash, bioximik ko‘rsatkichlar, karnitin orotat. 1
- nobudgarchilik, sifatsizlanish, optimal joylashuv, ustun, to‘ldirish, umumshaxta va ekspluatatsion nobudgarchilik, kon bosimi, kamera, lenta, selik. 1
- Nofilologik ta'lim muassasalari, xalqaro standartlar, lingvistik ma'lumot, ...... 1
- non motor symptoms,Parkinson’s disease 1
- Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), cholelithiasis (GI), hepatises, steatohepatitis, hyperlipidaemia, fibrosis, 1
- non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, hepatic steatosis, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, rs641738 polymorphism of the MBOAT7 gene. 2
- non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, liver steatosis, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, insulin resistance, obesity, lipoprotein, cholesterol, alanine aminotransferase 1