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Showing results 228 to 247 of 7641
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- Aplastik anemiya 1
- arablarning etnotoponimlari 1
- Area, result, effect, gastrict 1
- arrhythmias after myocardial infarction 1
- Arterial and venous thromboses are most frequent complications after COVID-19. According to JAMA Open Network, on 2/3 patients after coronavirus infection developed arterial and venous thromboses. Rupin Aria discovers thrombotic events on 70% after coronavirus infection despite taking antiplatelet therapy. 1
- arterial blood pressure indicators, type 2 diabetes, essential hypertension 1
- arterial hypertension, cardiorenal syndrome, chronic kidney disease, diabetic nephropathy. 2
- arterial hypertension, deforming osteoarthritis, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, meloxicam, ibuprofen, blood pressure, antihypertensive drugs, serum creatinine levels, renal function. 1
- arterial hypertension, diagnosis, risk factors, classification of arterial hypertension 1
- arterial hypertension, hypertensive disease, school for the hypertensive patient, patient education. 1
- Arterial qon bosimini o'lchash, Exokardiografiya, laborator ekspress usullar, endoskopiya usullari 1
- arthritis, kidney, amyloidosis, factor 1
- artificial organs, multimedia, cosmetic restoration, Internet links, electronic resources, learning environment, limb. 1
- artificial organs, posters, English vocabulary, interactive games,..... 1
- Arundo ва Haplophyllum, алкалоидлар, психотроп воситалари 1
- aseptic necrosis of the femoral head, COVID-19, drug treatment, disease progression 1
- ashyoviy dalillar, Sud-Tibbiy Ekspertizasi 1
- Aspartat aminotransferaza, aminokislota, transformatsiya, biokimyoviy qon testi 2
- aspirin, salitsilatlar, atsetilsalitsil kislota, koronar sindrom, profilaktika 1
- Assessment of gamma radiation of the sity of Termez 1