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- osteoartrit, tog‘ay oligomer matriks oqsili, tizza bo‘g‘imi, Sustavin. 1
- Osteoartroz, davolash, nosteroid yallig ʿlanishga qarshi dori vositalari, diatserein, diklofenak. 1
- osteoartroz, eroziya, osteofitlar, sinovit, sinovial membrananing gipertrofiyasi. 1
- osteoartroz, laborator-instrumental tadqiqotlar, xondroprotektorlar, davolash. 2
- osteomyelitis, COVID 19 1
- osteonecrosis, steroid therapy. 1
- osteoparthritis, cartilage oligomeric matrix protein, radiological alterations 1
- osteopenia, osteoporosis, diagnosis, risk of bone diseases, perimenopause, estradiol, paraterioid hormone 1
- Osteoporosis is the global burden public health issue due to the high prevalence and substantial impact on morbidity and mortality; the incidence rates of osteoporotic fracturesare rise exponentially with an aging population [1]. 1
- Osteoporosis, androgen deficiency, prostaglandin E, IL-6, parathyroid hormone 1
- Osteoporosis, percutaneous vertebroplasty, bone cement. 1
- Osteporosis, Endothelial Dysfunction, Bisphosphonates, Zoledronic Acid. 1
- outpatient treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis from the first day 1
- Ovarian cancer relapse, repeated debulking surgeries. 1
- ovarian polycystosis syndrome, laparoscopy, ovarian decortication 2
- Overlap-синдром (перекрёстный синдром), хроническая обструктивная болезнь легких, бронхиальная астма 1
- Overweight, obesity, obesity in children, childhood. 1
- Ovqat hazm qilish tizimi kasalliklarida bemor bolalarni kuzatish va parvarishlash. 1
- Ovqatlanish gigiyenasi, harbiy gigiyena, bolalar va o'smirlar gigiyenasi 1