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Showing results 258 to 277 of 7641
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- athletes' recovery, stages of physical rehabilitation, knee joint, trauma, anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), speed and strength qualities, physical loads, motor tests. 1
- Atmosfera havosi, ifloslanish, avtotransport 1
- atmospheric air, motor transport, nitric oxide, disease, work gas, pollution, dust 1
- atmospheric air 1
- atmospheric air, motor transport, nitric oxide, disease, work gas, pollution, dust 1
- atmospheric air, motor transport, nitric oxide, disease, work gas, pollution, dust. 1
- Atom yadrosining tuzilishi, kvant nurlari, gillepsi nazariyasi, molekulalarning magnit momenti 1
- Atopic dermatitis, children, allergic examination, prevalence, questionnaire. 1
- Atopic dermatitis, children, gastrointestinal tract, chronic pancreatitis, elastase, enzyme preparations 1
- Atopik dermatit, gen, gendagi o‘zgarishlar, mutasiya, model, xramasoma, xujayralar. 1
- atopik dermatit, surunkali qichishishli dermatozlar, depressiya, qo‘rquv va agressivlik, psixodermatologik buzilishlarning tizimi, bemorlarning hayot sifati 1
- atopik dermatit, surunkali qichishishli dermatozlar, depressiya, qo‘rquv va agressivlik, psixodermatologik buzilishlarning tizimi, bemorlarning hayot sifati. 1
- Atrof-muhit, omil, inson salomatligi, iqlim sharoitlari, ob-havo 1
- Atsetilsalitsil kislotani uzoq mud dat qabul qiladigan yurak ishemik kasalligi turg'un zo'riq ish stenokardiyasi II-III funksional sinfi bilan og'rigan be morlarda trombotsitlar funksional holatiga semizlikning ta'sirini o'rganish. 1
- audio resource, video resource, grammar translation,communication 1
- audiovisual translation, methodology, model, ......... 1
- audit, higher education, academic mobility 1
- authentic materials, target language, international language. 1
- auto-oscillation, silicon, mechanism, manganese, zinc, sulfur, selenium, electrical field. 1