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- Qon yaratish tizimi o‘sma kasalliklari, etiopatogenetik aspektlari 3
- qon, peshob, eritrositopeniya, leykositoz, proteinuriya, albuminuriya, eritrosituriya, leykosituriya 1
- Qon, qon tarkibiy qismlari, infeksion xavfsizlik 1
- qon-miya to’sig’i, erta tug’ilgan retinopatiya, gipoksiya, neyrospesifik enolaza 1
- qorin bo‘shlig‘i bitishma kasalligi,bolalar, profilaktika, videolaparoskopik adgeziolizis. 1
- quality improvement, effectiveness of the educational process 1
- quality of life parameters, patients with COPD. 1
- quality of life, circulatory disorders, functional class 1
- quality of life, COVID-19, ankylosing spondylitis 1
- quality of life, respondent, chronic diseases, population, Muynak district, survey 1
- Quality of life, women, gouty arthritis 1
- quality, water quality improvement, purification methods, research, heterogeneous photocatalysis, solar sterilization, bamboo charcoal, ceramic filters, bone charcoal filtration, chlorination, slow sand filtration, solar distillation. 1
- questionnaire, marketing research, ques tions, structural plan of the questionnaire, market. 1
- questionnaire, marketing research, questions, structural plan of the questionnaire, market 1
- questionnaire, marketing research, questions, structural plan of the questionnaire, market. 1
- Qui langue a, à Rome and- The seeker finds Mecca. 2. Kohi Qaf - an imaginary place that cannot be reached at all. A legendary mountain that surrounds the earth. La montagne du Calvaire – Mount Calvary is a hill representing the symbolic suffering and execution of Jesus. 3. Faire le Jacques - to act foolishly, to make a fool of oneself. 1
- Quloq, tomoq, burun kasalliklari inglizcha atamalarini "CASE STUDY" asosoida o'rgatish 1
- quruq ko'z sindromi, LASIK, lazer amaliyoti, ko'z yoshi plyonkasi 1
- Quruq monoklonal reagent, eldoncard, qon guruhi 1