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- questionnaire, marketing research, questions, structural plan of the questionnaire, market. 1
- Qui langue a, à Rome and- The seeker finds Mecca. 2. Kohi Qaf - an imaginary place that cannot be reached at all. A legendary mountain that surrounds the earth. La montagne du Calvaire – Mount Calvary is a hill representing the symbolic suffering and execution of Jesus. 3. Faire le Jacques - to act foolishly, to make a fool of oneself. 1
- Quloq, tomoq, burun kasalliklari inglizcha atamalarini "CASE STUDY" asosoida o'rgatish 1
- quruq ko'z sindromi, LASIK, lazer amaliyoti, ko'z yoshi plyonkasi 1
- Quruq monoklonal reagent, eldoncard, qon guruhi 1
- radiation safety, quality assurance, quality control, diagnostics, production control, work environment safety. 1
- Radiatsion gigiyena fani, gigiyenik havfli obyektlari, atrof-muhitning radiatsion xavfsizligi 1
- Radiatsion ob’ektlar, ob’ektlarni joylashtirish, zonalashtirish qoidalari. 1
- radiophobia, source of ionizing radiation, medical institutions, gamma background, gamma radiation dose rate. 1
- Railway transport, pandemic, epidemic development, passenger and freight transport, risk factors. 2
- Rak oldi xolatlari, yaxshi va yomon sifatli o’smalar sitologik diagnostikasi 1
- Raqamli komponent, oliy ta’lim, vaqt talab qiluvchi jarayon, EMP, kommunikativ kompetensiya. 1
- raqamli rentgen diagnostikasi, erta tashhis, oʻpka tuber kulyozi, silga qarshi kurash, sogʻliqni saqlash. 1
- raqamli tibbiyot, oilaviy shifokorlar, teletibbiyot 1
- raqobatdosh, innavatsion, boshqaruv jarayoni, boshqaruv samaradorligi, raqobatdosh kadrlar,baxolash usullari,akkreditatsiya,muqobillik darajasi. 1
- Rastalarda mol go‘shtini sifatiga sanitar gigienik baholash 1
- Rat heart, postnatal ontogenesis, cardiomyocytes, fibrous structure atria and ventricles. 1
- rat heart, postnatal ontogenesis, cardiomyocytes, fibrous structure atria and ventricles. 4
- Rational Nutrition, Youth Health, Balanced Diet, Nutritional Choices, Physical Development, Cognitive Function, Diet-Related Diseases, Preventive Health, Young People, Well-being 1
- rational psychotherapy, plastic surgery, dysmorphophobia, RX 1