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- stress, subcortical dysfunction, hypothalamus region, autonomic nerve, catecholamines, glucagon, gluconeogenesis. 1
- stroke, ischemic stroke, cerebral infarction, acute cerebrovascular accident, metabolic therapy, neuroprotective therapy, neuroprotective agents, antihypoxants 1
- Stroke, rehabilitation, motor disorder, disability, mortality 1
- Stroke, sleep, sleep disorders, sleep-disordered breathing, central sleep apnea, obstructive sleep apnea. 1
- stroke,Vegetative nervous system 1
- Structural and functional parametrs heart, metabolic syndrome 1
- students' health, medical universities, medical students, risk factors 1
- students' health, medical universities, medical students, risk factors. 1
- students, rational nutrition, health, research, study, gastrointestinal diseases, necessary measures. 1
- Students, rational nutrition, health, research, study, gastrointestinal diseases. 1
- Study of regional features of dynamics of acute intestinal diseases in the republic of karakalpakstan 1
- study the influence of meteorological factors on the course of hypertension. 1
- Studying of iron exchange in patients with diffuse toxic goiter and anemia. 1
- Studying the actual nutrition of students of technical institutions 1
- Stylics, literary text, medical terminoligies and its stylistic paculiarities ....... 1
- Subchondral, pathogenetic, arthrosis, chronic arthritis, postenterocolitis. 1
- Sud tibbiyoti ekspertizasi hujjatlari,dastlabki tergov ekspertizasi,traktordan jarohatlanish 1
- suitsid, namoishkarona, yashirin, psixik jarayonlar, individual psixologik hususiyatlar, psixosotsial hodisa, shaxslararo munosabatlar, ijtimoiy, psixik holatlar. 1
- suitsiddan yuz bergan o‘lim, sud-tibbiy tahlili 1