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- to assess the integration of theoretical and practical knowledge using innovative-simulation methods 1
- To determine drug interactions in patients with concomitant hypertension with deforming osteoarthritis. 1
- To evaluate the effectiveness of the inclusion of dipyridamole in the correction of platelet aggregation disorders in children with nephrotic form of chronic glomerulonephritis. 1
- to investigate the efficacy of utilizing case studies as a means to enhance communicative competence across different domains. By analyzing real-world situations 1
- To organize analysis, the healthy nutrition, pershool educational organitions 1
- To prepare students for scientific research using electronic programs in teaching. 1
- To study clinical features and different skin changes in patients with systemic sclerosis 1
- To study the clinical significance of anti-fibrillarin (U3-RNP) antibodies in systemic sclerosis. 1
- To study the main risk factors in patients with coronary artery disease and their adherence to treatment. 1
- To study the quality of life of end-stage renal disease(ESRD) patients receiving program hemodialysis 1
- To study the status of cardiovascular disease in patients with arterial hypertension Covid-19 and its role in the treatment 1
- tog‘-kon sanoati, mis, yosh, ish staji, salomatlik holati, kasallanish, xavf omillari, vaqtincha mehnat qobilyatini yo‘qotish. 1
- Toksik gepatit,medikamentoz,gipertrofiya,kimyoterapiya 1
- toksik gepatit; aminokislotalar aralashmalari; geliotrin bilan zaharlanish; ishemiya; gipoksiya; Infezol. 1
- Topografik anatomiya fani, Ichki to‘piq sohasi, traxeya va asosiy bronxlar 1
- TORCH- комплекс, цитомегаловирус, токсоплазмоз. 1
- TORCH-инфекция, ИФА-метод, донорской кровь 1
- Toshkent shahri 1
- Toshkent tibbiyot akademiyasi 3 - klinikasida ankilozlovchi spondiloartrit tashxisi bilan ro`yhatdan o`tgan bemorlarda kasallikning klinik va epidemiologik xususiyatlarini o`rganish. 1
- Total, subtotal epispadias, endovisual surgery, sphincteroplasty, orthoneourethroplasty. 1