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- traditional school 2
- training 1
- training of medical students, medical education, overload, fatigue, physical education, training loads. 2
- transformation of medicine, digital medical technologies, medical ecosystem, network medical infra-structure, trends in the development of online medical services. 1
- translation; medical terminology; professional communication; terminological system of medicine; unification of the term, features of translation; lexical difficulties of translation 1
- transplantation, kidney, liver, transplant history, living related donors, immunosuppressive therapy. 1
- traumatic disease, therapy, immunocorrection, polyoxidonium, soluble receptors, cytokines 1
- Traveling without COVID, he sanitary-epidemiological service (in the Republic of Uzbekistan), public health and disease prevention, sanitation, hygiene, epidemiology, parasitology, microbiology and virology; 1
- Travmatologiya va ortopediya magistratura yo'nalishini o'qitishda o'quv materiallarini o'zlashtirish samaradorligini oshirish 2
- treatment, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia 1
- Triple Negative Breast Cancer , differentiation , persistent cells , tumor heterogeneity 1
- triple negative breast cancer , immunohistochemistry, androgen receptor , mathematical models 1
- triple negative breast cancer, diagnostic algorithm, treatment algorithm. 1
- triple negative breast cancer, epidemiology, risk factors, molecular-genetic classification. 1
- triple negative breast cancer, low-dose chemotherapy, correction of the immune system in oncology, surgical rehabilitation technology 1
- Triple-Negative Breast Cancer, Therapeutic Strategies, Patterns of Recurrence, Prognoses. 1
- Trombosit, laborator tekshirish 1
- Trombotsit,eritrotsitlar,Goryaev kamerasi,Fonio usuli 1
- tromboz, COVID-19, protrombin vaqti, protrombin indeksi, AQTV, MNO, fibrinogen, trombin vaqti 2
- tromboz, COVID-19, protrombin vaqti, protrombin indeksi, AQTV, MNO, fibrinogen, trombin vaqti. 1