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- COVID-19, pandemic, healthcare, coronavirus, doctor, PPE (personal protective equipment), quarantine. 1
- COVID-19, Pandemic, Healthcare, Coronavirus, Doctor, PPE (personal protective equipment), Quarantine. 1
- COVID-19, Pandemic, кадры, кризис, здрвоохранение 1
- Covid-19, Parkinson kasalligi, motor va motor bo‘lmagan buzilishlar 1
- covid-19, pathomorphology, pulmonary tissue vessel, thrombosis, endothelium. 1
- COVID-19, perinatal, coronavirus infection, humoral influences, pathological course of pregnancy 1
- COVID-19, PMSC, ARVI, prognostic chart, FD, SАRS-CоV-2, 2019-нCоV 2
- COVID-19, profilaktika, labarator taxlillar, koranavirus, RNK, bolalar, rivojlanish mexanizmi 1
- Covid-19, qon, leykosit, neytrofil, limfosit 2
- COVID-19, Real Time ПЗР, GenХpert/MTB RIF, Sars-CоV-2. 1
- covid-19, rehabilitation, pandemic, medical staff. 1
- COVID-19, reproductive age, risk, women’s health. 1
- Covid-19, reproductive health, women, students, social significance 1
- Covid-19, reproductive health, women, students, social significance. 2
- Covid-19, retrospective study, prospective analysis, comorbidity 1
- Covid-19, retrospective study, prospective analysis, comorbidity. 1
- Covid-19, retsept, telemeditsina, pandemiya, Telesalomatlik, monitoring, Gipertenziya. 1
- COVID-19, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR), droplet digital polymerase chain reaction (ddPCR), serological testing, antigen testing, monitoring system. 1
- COVID-19, rheumatic diseases, disease-modifying anti-rheumatic medication, interleukin, tumor necrosis factor, glucocorticosteroids. 1
- COVID-19, rheumatic diseases, disease-modifying antirheumatic drug, interleukin, tumor necrosis factor, glucocorticosteroids. 1