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- acute purulent lung abscess, acute gangrenous lung abscess, diabetes mellitus, vacuum therapy, transthoracic sanation 1
- acute purulent-destructive diseases of the lungs, diabetic angiopathy, morphological changes in the lung tissue 1
- Acute Purulent-Destructive Lung Diseases(APDLD), Acute Lung Abscess, Lung Gangrene, Treatment. 1
- Acute Purulent-Destructive Lung Diseases, COVID19 1
- acute sensorineural hearing loss 1
- Acute stroke, intra-arterial thrombolysis, neurological deficiency, stroke outcome 1
- Acute Toxic Hepatitis, Liver, Hepatoprotective Action, Collection Of Plants, Rats. 1
- Adaptability, activity, labels of communication norms, communicative characteristics of the individual, the essence of communication, communicative literacy. 1
- adaptation; adaptability; psychological adaptation: socio-psychological adaptability; emotional and activity adaptability; students; adaptation difficulties 1
- Adenovirusli kasallik,stafilokokkli infeksiya,lyamblioz 1
- Adgesive, function of platelets, changes in thrombocytopathies. 1
- adhesive disease, fibrinolysis, children, laparoscopy, propensity 1
- adhesive disease, fibrinolysis, laparoscopy, children, prevention. 1
- adolescence, vegetative disorder, sincope , headaches, sympathicotonus, vagotonic 1
- Adrenalectomy, videoendoscopic, transabdominal, retroperitoneal adrenalectomy. 1
- aerotank, biological treatment, activated sludge, waste water, organic substances. 1
- affective pathology, dysthymia, depression, premorbid factors 1
- affective pathology, dysthymia, depression, therapeutic approaches 1
- afferent nerve fiber 1
- afferent nerve fiber, Axon, AXO-somatic Synapse, glutamate mediator, AMPA(alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolpropionic acid) ionotropic receptor, NMDA (N-methyl aspartatic acid ) ionotropic receptor, calmodulin protein, CaM- (calmodulin) kinase, phosphorylation, adenylate-cyclase, s-AMF(cyclic-adenosine-monophosphate acid), map(mitogen-activated protein) - kinase, glial neuron, myelin, “memory cells” афферентное нервное волокно, аксон, Aксо-соматический синапс, глутаматный медиатор, ионотропный рецептор AMПA (альфа-амино-3- гидрокси-5-метил-4-изоксазолпропионовая кислота), ионотропный рецептор НМДА (Н-метиласпарагиновая кислота), кальмодулин. белок, СаМ-(кальмодулин) киназа, фосфорилирование, аденилатциклаза, ц-АМФ (циклическая-аденозин-монофосфатная кислота), карта (митоген-активируемый белок) - киназа, глиальный нейрон, миелин, «клетки памяти 1