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Title: Нетуберкулезные микобактерии во фтизиопульмонологической практике в Республике Узбекистан
Authors: Парпиева, Наргиза
Султанов, Санжар
Джурабаева, Мухаббат
Анварова, Екатирина
Keywords: non-tuberculous mycobacteria, DNA strips, GenoType Mycobacterium AS/CM, Mycobacterium avium complex
Issue Date: 2021
Series/Report no.: 99;4
Abstract: The objective of the study: monitoring the spectrum of non-tuberculous mycobacteria isolated from patients who referred for medical care to the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Phthisiology and Pulmonology. Subjects and methods. The diagnostic procedure of ATS/IDSA was used to define if the patient suffers from mycobacteriosis. The following specimens were collected to isolate non-tuberculosis mycobacteria: sputum, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, feces, pleural fluid, surgical and biopsy specimens, and urine. The following tests were performed: Ziehl-Nielsen microscopy, microscopy stained by auramine-O, cultures by Middlebrook 7H9 in BACTEC™ MGIT™ 960 System, Becton Dickinson, USA. Non-tuberculosis mycobateria were differentiated from mycobacterium tuberculosis complex using the sdmpt64 chromatographic test (SD Bioline TBAg MPT64 test, Korea). The non-tuberculosis species were defined by the hybridization technology of DNA* strips GenoType Mycobacterium AS/CM, version 1.0.
Appears in Collections:Thesis, Articles

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