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Title: Evaluation of the Relationship between Cardiac and Renal Fibrosis Markers in Different Hemodynamic Types of Chronic Heart Failure with and Without Anemia
Authors: Gadaev Abdigaffar Gadaevich, Khalilova Feruza Abdujalolovna, Akhmedov Khalmurad Sadullayevich
Keywords: chronic heart failure, chronic kidney disease, renal dysfunction, fibrosis markers, cystatin-C, TGF-β1, ferrokinetic indicators, galectin-3, hemodynamic types
Issue Date: 2021
Abstract: Renal fibrosis markers were evaluated in dynamics to study specific changes in the kidneys of patients with different hemodynamic types and functional classes of chronic heart failure with anemia and to evaluate the effectiveness of complex treatment. The renal fibrosis marker TGF-β1 in the blood was 2591.0 ± 108.4 and 755.0 ± 18.87 pg / ml, respectively, in chronic heart failure with anemia and without anemia (p˂0.01). This was indicative of a fibrosis process occurring in the kidney. After complex treatments with the addition of iron, the TGF-β1 index decreased by 2.25 times (p ,0.01), the clinical condition, quality of life and resistance to physical exertion changed significantly positively.
ISSN: 0033-3077
Appears in Collections:Thesis, Articles

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