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dc.contributor.authorSobirova, Guzal-
dc.contributor.authorBafoeva, Zarnigor-
dc.contributor.authorMikliev, Zufar-
dc.description.abstractIn fact, the pathogenesis of the coronavirus disease has not been closely investigated, therefore the frequent change of the virus strain keeps the clinic of the disease changing, the lack of a single therapeutic tactics, leads to the fact that this catastrophe continues to-date. In this article, we have presented the data retrieved from CVD-19 patients by the Republican Specialized Hospital of Zangiotа No. 2 in June. The main purpose of the scientific observation is to conduct a clinical analysis of all patients diagnosed with Covid-19 within a month. We have studied the medical histories of all patients (age, gender, concomitant diseases, dates of their stay in hospital, results of examination, tests, and medical treatments). From observations, it became clear that in June, mostly male, middle-aged and young people were treated in hospital; the review of frequency of concomitant diseases showed that the most common ones had been diabetes mellitus and coronary heart disease in middle-aged people, hypertension - in the elderly, and bronchitis had been often registered in young people. According to the analysis of diseases of digestive system, pancreatitis and cholecystitis had prevailed in female patients, while gastritis - in males. Liver enzymes showed an increase in Ast and Alt. From observations, it can be concluded that in June, the largest number of infected were young and middle-aged males. Concomitant diseases were more common in young people, which indicates to rejuvenation of diseases. An increase in liver enzymes may be associated with drugs used for treatment of the coronavirus disease.en_US
dc.subjectCOVID-19, gender, ageen_US
dc.titleРеспублика махсус 2-сонли зангиота шифохонасида 2021 йил июнь ойида коронавирус билан касалланган беморлар таҳлилиen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis, Articles

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