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Title: Bolalar yuqumli kasalliklari
Authors: Rahmatov, B
Keywords: Adenovirusli kasallik,stafilokokkli infeksiya,lyamblioz
Issue Date: 4-Aug-2008
Publisher: Toshkent
Series/Report no.: BBK;57.33
Abstract: Qo'llanmada bolalar orasida uchrayotgan yuqumli kasalliklarning asosiy kechish xususiyatlari, etiologik tizimi, epidemiologiyasi, putogenez tizmasi, klinik kechimi va tasnifi, diagnostika usullari, uy sharoitida davolashga va kasalxonaga yotqizishga ko'rsatmalar yoritilgan.
ISBN: 978-9943-05-225-3
Appears in Collections:Books and Book Chapters

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