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Title: Immunohistochemical method oftreating diabetes with the effect of morphological indicators on the organism of experimental animals
Authors: Sobirova Dildora Ravshanovna, Akbarova Mavluda Nodirovna, Suyunov Akbar Tursunali o’g’li, Abduvosieva Mushtari Ismoil qizi, Saparaliev Umiddjon Hasan o’g’li, Tohirov Tolibjon Komiljon o’g’li
Keywords: Different leves, metabolism, indicators,
Issue Date: 7-Aug-2022
Abstract: This article is written about the study of the effect of diabetes on the organism of experimental animals by the immunohistochemically method of its effect on morphological indicators.
ISSN: 27718948
Appears in Collections:Thesis, Articles

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