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dc.contributor.authorF.I. Salomova, M.Kh. Mirrakhimova, Sh.R. Kobilzhonova-
dc.description.abstractDiseases of the ENT organs, the immune system, the musculoskeletal system, skin and urinary tract are more common in children. According to Russian authors, the prevalence of atopic dermatitis is directly related to the level and nature of environmental pollution, as well as the appearance of skin lesions in adverse environmental conditions that manifest themselves at an early age. Hazardous industrial waste creates an additional burden on the immune system. According to the World Health Organization, air pollution is one of the leading contributors to childhood illness, accounting for 30%. At the same time, environmental pollution is 20%, and climate change is 10%. The incidence of childhood diseases is not the same in different regions of the country. For example, children living in urban areas are more likely to develop ecopathologies than those living in rural areas, which is associated with a large number of objects that pollute the environment in cities. The purpose of the study is a hygienic assessment of the influence of environmental factors on the development of atopic dermatitis in children. Research methods. To achieve the goal of the study and solve the tasks set, the following methods were used: observational, instrumental, analytical and statistical research methods. The practical results of the study are as follows: in order to achieve the set goal, the Uchtepa and Chilanzar districts of the city of Tashkent w ere selected for the study. Compared with the districts, the incidence of atopic dermatitis increased over the years in the Uchtepa district in 2017 and decreased in the Chilanzar district, and the level of air pollution in the Uchtepa and Chilanzar districts, according to the sanitary and hygienic laboratory of the district SSES, shows that atmospheric air samples taken for determination of the level of atmospheric air pollution in 2016-2018 were higher in the Chilanzar district than in the Uchtepa district. The share of atmospheric air samples in the Chilanzar region has increased over the years, including 20.91% in 2016, 24.95% in 2017, 27.97% in 2018. In the Uchtepa district, we observe the opposite: in 2016 - 11.68%, in 2017 - 8.62%, in 2018 - 5.34%. If we analyze the chemical analysis of atmospheric air pollutants, we can see that the dust content in both areas is not the same over the years. In particular, the number of samples with elevated REC in samples taken in the Chilanzar dust region increased in 2016-2018, respectively, in 2016 - 31.76%, in 2017 -39.61 %, in 2018 - 44.94%. In the Uchtepa district, this figure has decreased over the years, reaching 48.57% in 2016, 30.61% in 2017 and 16.9% in 2018.en_US
dc.publisherEuropean journal of science archives conferences seriesen_US
dc.subjectInfluence of environmental factorsen_US
dc.titleInfluence of environmental factors on the development of atopic dermatitis in childrenen_US
dc.title.alternativeInfluence of environmental factors on the development of atopic dermatitis in childrenen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis, Articles
Thesis, Articles
Thesis, Articles
Thesis, Articles
Thesis, Articles

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