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Title: Organ-preserving operations in the complex treatment of colorectal cancer: literature review
Authors: Dr. Uktam M. Kurbankulov, Abrorbek A. Yusupbekov
Keywords: Colorectal cancer, sphincter-preserving operations, cancer recurrence, abdomino-perineal extirpation.
Issue Date: 9-Sep-2018
Publisher: Tashkent Medical Academy
Abstract: By this review article authors aimed to evaluate information content, sensitivity, specificity of modern medical technologies (intraoperative ultrasound, transrectal ultrasound, Doppler, intraoperative cystoscopy, CT) in the diagnosis of locally advanced colorectal cancer. Based on the analysis and processing of immediate and long-term results of the combined and complex treatment methods, an integrated approach is developed in the treatment of patients with colorectal cancer, including new combinations of methods and schemes for specific therapy T3- 4N0M0. Adequate clinical material can prove the feasibility of using organ-sparing surgical treatment methods for locally advanced forms of colorectal cancer. According to the results of the study, an algorithm is developed for the surgical, combined and integrated methods of treatment of colorectal cancer
ISSN: 2455-3301
Appears in Collections:Books and Book Chapters

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