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Title: Особенности течения covid-19 у пациентов с хроническими заболеваниями
Authors: Маматкулов, Бахромжон, Абдурашид Нематов
Keywords: COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2), chronic diseases, intensive care unit.
Issue Date: 22-Jan-2022
Publisher: Тошкент
Abstract: Objective:To study the share of treatment in intensive care and regular wards among the age groups of patients with COVID-19 and the features of the course of COVID-19 in patients with chronic diseases. Materials and methods: Official statistics on the prevalence of coronavirus infection in Uzbekistan in 2020-2021, statistical analysis of primary medical data of patients treated at the Zangiota 2 Republican Special Infectious Diseases Hospital, retrospective research method. Results: 88.6% of patients in intensive care are in the age group of 51-61 years and older. In 974 (52.3%) patients, a chronic disease was diagnosed and the average duration of treatment was 12.3±0.17 days, and in 888 (47.7%) patients without a chronic disease, 1.15 days) and the average duration of treatment was 9.5±0.15 days.
ISSN: 2181-7812
Appears in Collections:Thesis, Articles

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