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Title: COVID-19 пандемия шароитида туберкулёз касаллигини тарқалиш даражасини диспансер кесимида ўрганиш
Authors: Онгарбайев Д.О, Парпиева Н.Н, Ходжаева М.И, Мухамедов К.С, Массавиров Ш.Ш, Маматов Л.Б, Худашукурова Д.К.
Keywords: tuberculosis, COVID-19 pandemic, MDR-TB, GenXpert Ultra, HAIN Test, Mantoux test (PPD-L), diaskin test.
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Toshkent
Series/Report no.: УДК;616.24-002.5:578.834.1-036
Abstract: To study the impact of COVID-19 during a pandemic on the condition of the lung parenchyma. Material and methods: A retrospective analysis of the incidence of tuberculosis in 2018-2020 was carried out. The materials were obtained from the data of outpatient records of patients registered in the Interdistrict TB Dispensary No. 3. Result: DS, BTI, PLTT increased Disseminated TB was more common during the COVID-19 pandemic among patients with a primary disease. The decrease in destructive forms of the lung is due to the widespread use of modern diagnostic methods (CT, diaskintest), which makes it possible to detect tuberculosis at an early stage. Conclusions: During the COVID-19 pandemic, CT scans in most patients with coronavirus infection increased the detection of tuberculosis.
Appears in Collections:Thesis, Articles

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