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Title: Determination of the immunological activity of the food additive
Other Titles: Determination of the immunological activity of the food additive
Authors: Sherkuzieva G.F. Salomova F.I. Fayziboev S.
Issue Date: 5-Jan-2023
Publisher: Toshkent tibbiyot akademiyasi «Yosh olimlar tibbiyot jurnali» IXTISOSLASHUVI: «TIBBIYOT SOHASI» ISSN 2181-3485 NP 5.01.2023 bet.182-186
Citation: Toshkent tibbiyot akademiyasi «Yosh olimlar tibbiyot jurnali» IXTISOSLASHUVI: «TIBBIYOT SOHASI» ISSN 2181-3485 NP 5.01.2023 bet.182-186
Series/Report no.: 5;
ISSN: 2181-3485
Appears in Collections:Thesis, Articles

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