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Title: Постковидный, или стероид-индуцированный асептический некроз головки бедренной кости
Other Titles: Femur boshining postkoid yoki steroid sabab bo’lgan aseptik nekrozi
Postcoid or steroid-induced aseptic necrosis of the femoral head
Authors: Asilova, Saodat Ubayevna
Babakulov, A.Sh.
Mirzayev, A.B.
Tursunov, V.X.
Keywords: COVID-19, osteonekroz, steroid terapiyasi
Research Subject Categories::MEDICINE
osteonecrosis, steroid therapy.
Issue Date: 19-Jan-2023
Publisher: Toshkent tibbiyot akademiyasi
Citation: Asilova, Saodat Ubayevna, et al. “POSTCOID or STEROID-INDUCED ASEPTIC NECROSIS of the FEMORAL HEAD.” Vestnik Tashkentskoy Medicinskoy Akademii, vol. 8, 2022, pp. 26–29.
Abstract: Ko’pgina mualliflarning ta’kidlashicha, SARSdan keyin bemorlarda yuzaga keladigan osteonekroz, ehtimol, steroid terapiyasining natijasidir. Biroq, COVID-19 bilan og’riganidan keyin osteonekrozning kelib chiqishi haqida xulosa chiqarishga hali erta. Ehtimol, kasallikning rivojlanishiga ko’plab omillar, jumladan steroid va ishemik ta’sir ko’rsatadi. Bunday bemorlar haqida ma’lumotlarning to’planishi kelajakda ushbu masala bo’yicha ongli fikrni shakllantirish imkonini beradi. </br> Many authors argue that osteonecrosis that occurs in patients after SARS is most likely the result of steroid therapy. However, it is premature to draw conclusions regarding the genesis of osteonecrosis after suffering COVID-19. Probably, the development of the disease is synergistically affected by many factors, including steroid and ischemic. The accumulation of information about such patients will allow in the future to form an informed opinion on this issue.
ISSN: 2181-7812
Appears in Collections:Thesis, Articles

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