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Title: Morphological characteristic changes of the kidney tissue of offspring of rats born on the background of diabetes mellitus with streptocyazine
Authors: Usmanov R.J., Allaberganov D.Sh., Tilyabov I.A
Keywords: morphology, kidney, ball, atrophy, sclerosis, diabetes mellitus with streptothiazine.
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: International Medical Scientific Journal
Abstract: Very complex metabolic disorders are observed in offspring rats born with diabetes. The characteristic features of these disorders are that they affect the organs of the digestive system and end with most dystrophic necrotic and sclerotic changes. In this study, the morphological changes of the kidneys of offspring rats born from mothers with streptothiazine diabetes were studied in the period from 3 to 10 days. During our study, it was found that atrophic and sclerotic changes developed in the kidney balls
Appears in Collections:Thesis, Articles

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