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dc.contributor.authorTalipova, Noila-
dc.contributor.authorIriskulov, Bakhtiyar-
dc.contributor.authorAzimova, Sevara-
dc.contributor.authorLatipova, Shakhnoza-
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the study was a comparative analysis of genotypic variants of TNF-α and CTLA-4 genes in patients with chronic hepatitis C and liver cirrhosis and their effect on the course of the disease. The analysis of the effect of TNF-α gene genotypes on the course of the disease indicates an increased risk of CVHC development with both moderate and highly active course of the disease in carriers of the G / A + A / A genotype combination. The data obtained allow us to conclude that the carriage of the “G” allele and the combination of genotypes A / G + G / G of the –A49G polymorphism of the CTLA-4 gene are associated not only with a decrease in the risk of CVHC development, but also with a lower intensity of inflammation and fibro-formation in the liver and a high probability of favorable course of the disease.en_US
dc.publisherE3S Web of Conferences AQUACULTURE 2022en_US
dc.titleGenetic characteristics of the course of chronic hepatitisen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis, Articles

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