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Title: Cовременное состояние медико-социальной организации детско-юношеского спорта в Республике Узбекистан
Authors: Усманходжаева А.А., Поляев Б.А., Ризаев Ж.А., Высогорцева О.Н.,Дёмин Н.А.
Keywords: children's and youth sports; Youth; medical and social organization of sports; medical care in children's sports
Issue Date: 15-May-2023
Publisher: Tibbiyotda yangi kun
Series/Report no.: ;61:796:379.8 (575.1
Abstract: На основании эпидемиологического исследования оценить медико-социальное состояние детского спорта Республики Узбекистан. Republic of Uzbekistan. These judgments cannot reflect the completeness of the picture of the medical and social state of children's and youth sports in the Republic of Uzbekistan, but it allows drawing private conclusions on the basis of which more detailed studies will be carried out to optimize and improve youth sports throughout the republic
ISSN: 2181-712X.
Appears in Collections:Thesis, Articles

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