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Title: Molecular and genetic features of coagulation disorders in patient with gout
Authors: Акрамова, Нигора Турдикуловна
Набиева, Дилдора Абдумаликовна
Kush, Aditya
Ибрагимова, Дилфуза Абдумаликовна
Акрамов, Искандар Рахмонкул угли
Keywords: Molecular, Genetic, Gout, Coagulation, Thrombosis, Uric acid
Issue Date: 6-Jun-2023
Publisher: Scholar Express Journals
Citation: Акрамова Н.Т. - Molecular and genetic features of coagulation disorders in patient with gout//World Bulletin of Public Health (WBPH). -Volume-23, June 2023. -С.77-80
Series/Report no.: 23;
Abstract: Gout is a rheumatic disease characterized by hyperuricemia. It causes recurrent attacks of inflammation, pain, disability, and discomfort due to the accumulation of urate crystals in the joints, caused by overproduction or underexcretion of uric acid. Recent studies have shown that gout patients are prone to cardiovascular disease, including coagulation disorders like PE and DVT. The paper aims to summarize the possible link between gout and coagulation disorders by studying the molecular and genetic features of gout patients [1,2].
ISSN: 2749-3644
Appears in Collections:Thesis, Articles

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