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dc.contributor.authorРузикулов, М.М.-
dc.contributor.authorКариев, Гайрат Маратович-
dc.contributor.authorТашматов, Шавкат Насриддинович-
dc.identifier.citationРузикулов М.М., Кариев Г.М., Ташматов Ш.Н. Долихоэктатические и фузиформные аневризмы сосудов головного мозга: патогенез, клиника, методы лечения//Вестник ТМА №2. -2023. -С.42-46en_US
dc.descriptionArteriyaning mahalliy kengayishi aniqlanganda, “fuziform anevrizma” atamasi tez-tez ishlatiladi. Biroq, bu atama arterial patologiyalarning geterogen guruhini yashiradi va ularning aniq tashxisi prognozni aniqlash va davolash taktikasini tanlash uchun muhimdir. Dolixoektatik va fuziform anevrizmalar patogenezining turli jihatlari va ularni davolash usullarining samaradorligiga bag’ishlangan ilmiy manbalarning meta-tahlili o’tkazildi. Xaltachali anevrizmalarning o’rtasida dolixoektatik ajralib turadi, ularning paydo bo’lishi genetik yoki aterosklerotik bo’lmagan omillar va arteriya devorlarini bo’linishi jarayonidan kelib chiqadigan fuziform omillar bilan bog’liq. Ularning shakllanish mexanizmlari, klinik turlari va davolash usullari tasvirlangan.en_US
dc.description.abstractWhen detecting a local dilation of the artery, the term “fusiform aneurysm” is often used unnecessarily. However, this term hides a heterogeneous group of arterial pathologies, and their accurate diagnosis is important for determining the prognosis and choosing therapeutic tactics. A meta-analysis of scientific sources and devoted to various aspects of the pathogenesis of dolichoectatic and fusiform aneurysms and the effectiveness of their treatment methods was carried out. In the middle of saccular aneurysms, dolichoectatic aneurysms are distinguished, the occurrence of which is due to genetic or non-atherosclerotic factors, and fusiform ones, resulting from the process of delamination of artery walls. The mechanisms of their formation, variants of clinical course and methodsen_US
dc.publisherТашкентская медицинская академияen_US
dc.subjectmiya anevrizmalari, dolixoektaziya, fuziform anevrizmalar.en_US
dc.subjectcerebral aneurysms, dolichoectasia, fusiform aneurysms.en_US
dc.titleДолихоэктатические и фузиформные аневризмы сосудов головного мозга: патогенез, клиника, методы леченияen_US
dc.title.alternativeDolixoektatik va fuziform miya tomirlari anevrizmalari: patogenez, klinika, davolash usullarien_US
dc.title.alternativeAneurysms of dolichoectatic and fusiform cerebral vessels: pathogenesis, clinic, methods of treatmenten_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis, Articles

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