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Title: Комбинированная терапия гастроэзофагеальной рефлюксной болезни при коморбидности с функциональной диспепсией
Authors: Каримов М.М., Зуфаров П.С., Собирова Г.Н., Каримова Д.К., Хайруллаева С.С.
Keywords: gastroesophageal refl ux disease, functional dyspepsia, proton pump inhibitors, prokinetics
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Эксперементальная и клиническая гастроэнтерология №211(3). 2023.С. 42-45
Series/Report no.: №211(3). 2023;DOI: 10.31146/1682-8658-ecg-211-3-41-45
Abstract: It has been shown that in patients with GERD and functional dyspepsia, the use of proton pump inhibitors leads to a decrease in heartburn and pain behind the sternum. However, symptoms such as regurgitation, belching, feeling of early satiety and heaviness after eating were stopped ineffectively. The inclusion in the treatment complex of the prokinetic domperidone at a dose of 10 mg 3 times a day contributed to a more eff ective regression of symptoms of impaired motility of the esophagus and stomach
Appears in Collections:Thesis, Articles

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