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Title: Современные представления о медикаментозном лечении асептического некроза головки бедренной кости
Other Titles: Son boshchasining aseptic nekrozini tibbiy davolash haqida zamonaviy g’oyalar
Modern ideas about the medical treatment of aseptic necrosis of the femoral head
Authors: Асилова, Саодат Убайевна
Keywords: асептический некроз головки бедренной кости, COVID-19, медикаментозное лечение, прогрессирование болезни.
son boshchasining aseptic nekrozi, COVID-19, dori bilan davolash, kasallikning rivojlanishi.
aseptic necrosis of the femoral head, COVID-19, drug treatment, disease progression
Research Subject Categories::MEDICINE
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Ташкентская медицинская академия
Citation: Мирзаев А.Б., Асилова С.У. Современные представления о медикаментозном лечении асептического некроза головки бедренной кости.//Вестнинк ТМА. -№7. -2023. -С.35-39
Series/Report no.: №7;
Abstract: Son boshchasining aseptic nekrozini dori bilan davolash bilan bog’liq tadqiqotlar va klinik kuzatishlar natijalari tahlil qilinadi va tizimlashtiriladi. Turli xil farmakologik yondashuvlar, jumladan, bifosfonatlar, antikoagulyantlar, regenerativ dorilar va boshqa yallig’lanishga qarshi va regenerativ dorilardan foydalanish ko’rib chiqiladi. Tahlillarga asoslanib, son boshchasining aseptic nekrozini dori bilan davolash kasallikning rivojlanishini sekinlashtirishi, og’riqni kamaytirishi va bo’g’imlarning faoliyatini yaxshilashi mumkinligi ko’rsatilgan.
Description: The results of studies and clinical observations related to drug treatment of aseptic necrosis of the femoral head are analyzed and systematized. Various pharmacological approaches are considered, including the use of bisphosphonates, anticoagulants, regenerative drugs and other anti-inflammatory and decongestants. Based on the analysis, it was shown that drug treatment of aseptic necrosis of the femoral head can slow down the progression of the disease, reduce pain and improve joint functionality
ISSN: 2181-7812
Appears in Collections:Thesis, Articles

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