Tashkent Medical Academy Library: Recent submissions

  • Toshmatova Go'zal Adilxodjayevna, Nazarova N (Akademik Iskandarov Tulkin Iskandarovich tavalludining 85 yilligiga bag‘ishlangan “O‘zbekiston Respublikasi ekologiyasining dolzarb muammolari va ularni echish yo‘llari” mavzusidagi Respublika ilmiy-amaliy anjumani Республиканская научно-практическая конференция, посвященная 85-летию академика Искандарова Тулкина Искандаровича «Актуальные проблемы экологии Республики Узбекистан и пути их решения», 2024)
  • Toshmatova G.A., Nazarova N.I. (Akademik Iskandarov Tulkin Iskandarovich tavalludining 85 yilligiga bag‘ishlangan “O‘zbekiston Respublikasi ekologiyasining dolzarb muammolari va ularni echish yo‘llari” mavzusidagi Respublika ilmiy-amaliy anjumani Республиканская научно-практическая конференция, посвященная 85-летию академика Искандарова Тулкина Искандаровича «Актуальные проблемы экологии Республики Узбекистан и пути их решения», 2024)
  • Sadirova M.Q.; Khujakulov J.M. (Eurasian Medical Research Periodical, 2024)
    The article is devoted to the study of the diet of schoolchildren and their health. Nutrition is one of the main factors that determine not only the quality of life, but also the conditions for a child’s development. It ...
  • Ilyasova M.M., Gullola A.A. (Ўзбекистон, Тошкент, 2024)
    Mazkur maqolada pedagogik muloqotning o‘ziga xos jihatlariga e’tibor qaratar ekanmiz, shaxslararo muloqotning boshqa shakllariga nisbatan pedagogning o‘quvchilar bilan muloqoti va hamkorligidagi o‘ziga xoslik o‘quvchilarning ...
  • Rakhmanova, L.K.; Karimdzhanov, I.A.; Arziqulov, A.Sh.; Boltaboeva, М.М. (International Journal of Scientific Pediatrics, 2024-04-30)
  • Khudaykulova G.K., Muyassarova M.M., Boltaboyev S.E., Ibragimov D.A. (Ўзбекистон, Тошкент, 2024)
    Deontology in medicine is a complex and multifaceted subject that delves into the ethical principles guiding medical professionals’ actions and interactions with patients, colleagues, and society at large. Within this ...
  • Худойкулова Г., Эшбаева К.У., Муяссарова М.М., Абдурашитова Ш.А. (Ўзбекистон, Тошкент, 2024)
    Деонтология эса беморни даволаш ва инсонлар орасида касалликларнинг олдини олишга қаратилган тиббиёт ходимларининг бурчи, фаолиятидаги қоидалар, принциплар мажмуасидир. Врач этикаси ва тиббиёт деонтологияси, тиббиёт ...
  • Muyassarova M.M.1, Eshbayeva K.U.2, Boltaboyev S.E. 3 (Ўзбекистон, Тошкент, 2024)
    Communication skills are fundamental to the educational process, significantly influencing the quality of learning and academic outcomes. Effective communication between educators and learners fosters engagement, comprehension, ...
  • Muyassarova M.M., Boltaboyev S.E. (Ўзбекистон, Тошкент, 2024)
    The landscape of healthcare management has witnessed a wave of innovations that are reshaping administrative processes, enhancing operational efficiency, and improving patient care delivery. From digital health records to ...
  • Ҳакимов Сарвар Абдуазимавич, Салимова Малика Рашидбековна (Ўзбекистон, Тошкент, 2024)
    Мустақиллик йилларида мамлакатимизда таълим тарбия жараёнларини модернизация қилиш, ёш авлодни тарбиялаш давлат сиёсатининг ажралмас қисми бўлиб қолди. Албатта хозирги кунда таълим тарбия жараёнларини ривожлантиришда олий ...
  • Yuldasheva F.U.; Eshonkhodjaeva M. O.; Khojieva K. L.; Botirov O. Sh. (American Journal of Business Management, Economics and Banking, 2024)
    Children born with high birth weight are of particular interest for sociohygienic research, since this factor can have a significant impact on their health and development. This abstract discusses the main aspects of ...
  • Yuldasheva F. U; Rakhmatillayeva G. A.; Zhuraqulov M. Z. (American Journal of Business Management, Economics and Banking, 2024)
    This article addresses questions about the problem of ozone layer depletion. We will look at questions such as what is the ozone layer. How it is formed. Its destruction. The causes of exhaustion and how the process of ...
  • Yuldasheva F. U.; Rakhmatillayeva G. A.; Eshonkhodzhayeva M. O.; Abdulazizova D. Sh. (American Journal of Business Management, Economics and Banking, 2024)
    This article reveals questions about the organization of “mobile teams” of medical specialists to provide medical care to children and adolescents, including residents of rural areas, the article contains information ...
  • Guzal F. Sherkuzieva; Feruza I. Salomova; Firuza U. Yuldasheva (Central Asian Journal of Medicine, 2024)
    The biofertilizer is intended for pre-sowing treatment of seeds and seedlings of vegetables, industrial crops, potatoes, roots of young seedlings of fruit trees, forest crops in order to accelerate plant growth, increase ...
  • Khudaykulova G.K., Karimbayev Sh.D., Muyassarova M.M., Abdurashitova Sh.A., Eshbayeva K.U., Boltaboyev S.E. (Ўзбекистон, Тошкент, 2024)
    In the realm of healthcare, effective communication stands as a cornerstone of quality medical care. The ability of healthcare providers to communicate clearly, empathetically, and efficiently directly impacts patient ...
  • Abdurashitova Sh.A., Abduraimova L.L., Latipova S.A. (Ўзбекистон, Тошкент, 2024)
    The effect of healthy lifestyle habits is very important. Since the problem of health and maintaining a healthy lifestyle of young students is of particular importance in the contemporary world, knowing the basics of a ...
  • Эшбаева К.У., Муяссарова М.М., Абдурашитова Ш.А., Ибрагимов Д.А. (Ўзбекистон, Тошкент, 2024)
    В статье рассматривается проблема выстраивания коммуникации сестринского персонала с пациентами, подчеркивается принципиальное значение об щения для лечебного процесса; анализируются типы общения. Показана важность умения ...
  • Muyassarova M.M., Abdurashitova S.A., Boltaboev S.E. (Ўзбекистон, Тошкент, 2024)
    A woman’s reproductive health is a very sensitive determinant of general health to various factors, affecting both the woman herself and the health of children. A woman who goes to a doctor reacts acutely to verbal and ...
  • Abdurashitova Sh.A., Muyassarova M.M. (Ўзбекистон, Тошкент, 2024)
    The topic of this article is relevant at the present time, because Surveys are currently a very popular method of collecting marketing information, and the data obtained during the survey allows us to reduce the degree of ...

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