dc.description.abstract |
То date, 1L3% or newЬoms are Ьоm wEth vaлous developmental anomalles,
and more than '10% of 11\em are due !О diSornerS and anomaties о( the
genitourinary system (1,3,5, etc.). the nom,, complicated Ьу unnary
ina>n\lnence, ls 8.0%. Comprel>enslve treatment or Ьladder matrorma!ions
com plicated Ьу urfnary lncontlne,,ce ln ildгen has long attracl1!d the attenlion
or p,ac:IIC:tng surgeons and Is stlll on the agenda as one о( the most u~
proelems or pediatrlc surgery (2,5, etc.). Jn partlcular, the results of surgical
lleёl'lme t or cases or IDUII and suЬtota l eplspadlas ln comЬination with Ыadder
exstrophy аге unsatlsfactory. Acl:ording to the leadlng spedaliStS о( Russian
cllnlcs, lndudJng N. Е. Sit\Юlenko ana V. . Derzhavin, ln 1978, complete and
complete uтinary 1e!dllion alter SQl,lrocterop1&1y perГ rmed acoording !О v. .
l:JerZhavin, 1n cases о/ contacling the dinlc with !ntal and sub!Dtal epiSpa(lias ln
45% of cases аоо 28-32% о( cases or partlal selzures. StatIS11cs show that 2
out о( 10 patjents who underwenl sp/llntteroplasty aa:ortflng to V. .
Derzhavln lw:I по Ьenerit at all, and 1 out о1 10 had onty а partlaJ goal.
Exlensive studles conduCU!d in our repuЬtic on these operatlons hllve shown
that there are goo(I and saьsfactory results о( these operations - onl), 60.0%
An tl1ese n<rкators sШI have thelr proЫems ln this regard, shows that she has
not round а solution. |
en_US |