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Changes in dynamic blood viscosity and biophysical properties of erythrocytes in experimental hydronephrosis

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dc.contributor.author Tajibayeva Rano Bahadirorvna., Saidalikhodzhaeva Sayyora Zamanovna
dc.date.accessioned 2023-05-11T06:24:10Z
dc.date.available 2023-05-11T06:24:10Z
dc.date.issued 2023
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.tma.uz/xmlui/handle/1/7794
dc.description.abstract Purpose: to evaluate the dynamics of changes in the rheological properties of blood and the biophysical properties of erythrocytes during the development of hydronephrosis. Materials and methods of research: Experiments were carried out on 82 mature male rats weighing 180-200 g. Stolyar's micromethod was used to determine the EFP of erythrocytes. The principle of the method is that in a specially designed Goryaev chamber, using a stopwatch, the speed of movement of each erythrocyte in an electric field created by silver electrodes is measured under a microscope. The speed of 15 erythrocytes in different directions is measured. Results: In contrast to all previous terms of the experiment, the 7th day of the experiment was characterized by a sharp change in almost all the studied rheological parameters, with the exception of EPME. The latter by this time became equal to 99.16±4.66 mW, which is 17.8% higher than the norm. And the value of EPPE was equal to 0.62±0.09 /sec/ v /cm, which is more than 2 times less than the values of intact animals. Accordingly, the "zetta" value of the erythrocyte membrane potential also decreased, amounting to 10.9 ± 0.22 mW, which is 42.87% lower than the corresponding indicator of the intact group. Conclusions: Pronounced violations of the properties of the system of biomembranes, identified by us on the example of erythrocyte membranes and rheological properties of blood on the 7th day of the experiment, in our opinion, are an indicator of exhaustion, a breakdown in compensatory reactions of the body and an indicator of the irreversibility of the process. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher USA en_US
dc.subject Hydronephrosis, microcirculation, rheology en_US
dc.title Changes in dynamic blood viscosity and biophysical properties of erythrocytes in experimental hydronephrosis en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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